Dee Dee Curtis, DPA
Public Policy Analyst
President Trump vows to protect free speech and deal with big tech companies who censor Americans
Rand Paul Lists Example After Example Of 'Wasteful' Spending By USAID
USAID Waste Exposed
Trump's Veiled Warning To Netanyahu In Victory Speech: 'I'm Going To Stop Wars'| US Election Results
End of US Hegemony? North American Countries Dump US, Joining BRICS!
#10 - Tucker Carlson calls for an IMMEDIATE repeal of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act.
Kamala and Biden opened an illegal portal between social media & FBI, CIA, CDC to begin censorship of Americans.
For them capitalism means: We make the money; we make the profit, we benefit. Everything is ours and nothing is yours
Discover how the coalition of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is paving the way towards a dollar-free world.
Why would President Biden Start WWIII With Only 2 Months Left in Office?